Conflict of Interest Policy
Iowa Taekwondo Alliance
Conflict of Interest Policy
Interested person of Iowa Taekwondo Alliance (ITA) will perform their duties in good faith, in a manner they reasonably believe to be in the best interest of ITA, with intent and actions, an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would consider and apply, under similar circumstances. The purpose of this policy identifies guidelines to be followed.
1. Interested Persons: Staff, Volunteers, and Board Members
2. Nominal: $50 or less per occurrence
1. No interested person will be engaged in any of the following activities, which directly involve interested person’s family members, significant others, employer(s), clients, or significant relationships or affiliation with another person or organization, where there is potential for financial interest to be gained or where there is a potential for any conflict of interest:
A. Vote upon any issue where there is an interest or potential interest.
B. Be present for debate on any issue of financial interest, unless full disclosure of the facts surrounding the interest is first made to applicable Board, and it is determined there is no justification barring the interested person from being present for all or part of the debate.
C. Should accept any gift, entertainment, service, loan, or promise of future benefits from any person who either personally or whose employees might benefit or appear to benefit from such interested person’s connection with ITA, unless the facts of such benefit, gift, entertainment, service, or loan are disclosed in good faith and are authorized by the Board. This guideline is not intended to apply to gifts and/or similar entertainment of nominal value that clearly are in keeping with good business ethics and do not obligate the recipient.
D. Perform, for any personal gain, services for ITA such as a supplier of goods or services, as an employee or consultant, or in any other capacity which promises compensation of any kind, unless the facts are disclosed fully and in good faith and the Board authorizes the transaction. The interested person shall disclose the relationship of any family member or other close relative seeking to perform such services for personal gain for ITA.
E. Have any beneficial interest in, or substantial obligation to ITA as a supplier of goods or services or any other organization that is engaged in doing business with or serving ITA, unless it has been determined by the Board, on the basis of full disclosure of facts, that such interest does not give rise to a conflict of interest. This applies to interested person’s family members, as well.
2. Any matter of question or interpretation which arises relating to this policy should be referred to the Board for consideration.
3. Each interested person is required to report any potential conflict as soon as the potential conflict is apparent.
Effective Date
This Conflict of Interest Policy becomes effective immediately upon adoption by the ITA Board of Directors, at which time it will be considered an addendum to ITA Policies. It will be distributed and explained to Volunteers, Staff, and Board members at the earliest possible training opportunity. It shall also be included in the orientation materials for new Board Members.
Following education relative to this policy, each interested person shall read and sign a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement.
Date:______________________, 2013
Erin Carpenter, Interim-President
Iowa Taekwondo Alliance
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
I, _______________________________________________hereby affirm:
1. I have received a copy of the ITA Conflict of Interest Policy.
2. I have read and understand the ITA Conflict of Interest Policy.
3. I will comply with the ITA Conflict of Interest Policy.
4. During my employment or appointment (Volunteer or Board Member) with ITA, I agree to comply with this policy.